Classes (extension) | UGens > Demand

DbufTag : DUGen : UGen : AbstractFunction : Object

demand rate tag system on a buffer
Subclasses: Dtag


Emil Post's tag system as a demand rate ugen - Buffer version.

Class Methods, v, axiom, rules, recycle: 0, mode: 0)

Full arguments description and more explanations, see Dtag



a 1-channel buffer - when its size is reached, the process ends (dependent on mode). Theoretically, tag systems have an infinite tape size - practically, one may want to try different finite sizes. Any number of tag processes may run concurrently on a single buffer, overwriting each other's output. While not very expressive, this may have interesting results.

Inherited class methods

7 methods from UGen ► show
7 methods from Object ► show

Undocumented class methods

DbufTag.convertRules(axiom, rules)

Instance Methods

Inherited instance methods

4 methods from DUGen ► show
93 methods from UGen ► show
159 methods from AbstractFunction ► show
266 methods from Object ► show

Undocumented instance methods



.axiom = value


.rules = value
