numChannels |
the number of channels to output. If 1, mono is returned and pan is ignored. |
trigger |
a kr or ar trigger to start a new grain. If ar, grains after the start of the synth are sample accurate. |
dur |
size of the grain (in seconds). |
in |
the input to granulate |
pan |
determines where to pan the output.
envbufnum |
the buffer number containing a signal to use for the grain envelope. -1 uses a built-in Hann envelope. |
maxGrains |
the maximum number of overlapping grains that can be used at a given time. This value is set at the UGens init time and can't be modified. Defaults to 512. This can be set lower for more efficient use of memory. WARNING: The above parameter is new (post SC 3.3.1) and has the potential to break code written <= 3.3.1. This parameter is BEFORE the mul slot, and you may need to update code to account for this difference. |
mul | |
add |
All args except numChannels and trigger are polled at grain creation time.