Wrapping of Synthesis toolkit physical model instruments https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/stk/index.html
showWarnings |
Let Stk showWarnings, 0 for false 1 for true. |
printErrors |
Let Stk printErrors, 0 for false 1 for true. |
rawfilepath |
Tells Stk where to look for its audio files. |
//a instrument that uses waveforms///////////////////
//first set rawfilepath to let Stk know where to look
{StkGlobals.ar(1,1,Platform.userExtensionDir ++"/SC3Plugins/StkInst/rawwaves")}.play;
//Define mandolin synthdef
SynthDef(\helpMandolin,{arg out=0,freq=220,gate=1,amp=1;
var sig,env;
env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0.1),gate,doneAction:2);
sig = StkInst.ar(Stk.at("Mandolin"),freq, gate, amp, 0.5)*env;
Out.ar(out, sig.dup);
//Use it.
\instrument, \helpMandolin,
\dur , 0.25,
\degree, Pseq([1,5,7+3], inf),
\amp , Pseq([0.9,0.7,0.5],inf),