Classes | Control | Server > Nodes

DebugNodeWatcher : BasicNodeWatcher : AbstractNodeWatcher : Object

watches a server address for debug-related messages


Posts when these messages are received from the server: n_go n_end n_off n_on

For debugging, it can be useful to see every node start and end. It doesn't require registration, reacts to each message.

Class Methods

Inherited class methods

Instance Methods

Inherited instance methods

Undocumented instance methods


.doPost(action, nodeID, groupID, prevID, nextID)

.n_end(nodeID, groupID, prevID, nextID)

.n_go(nodeID, groupID, prevID, nextID)

.n_off(nodeID, groupID, prevID, nextID)

.n_on(nodeID, groupID, prevID, nextID)
