SuperCollider (extension)


a list of recorded events in time.


EventList is a list of Events, each of which has a required entry for absTime, the absolute time at which the event was recorded. An EventList always starts with a start event - usually (absTime: 0, type: \start); then some events with ascending values for absTime, and an end event, which is usually (type: \end, absTime: <loopEndTime>).

EventLists are used in KeyPlayer and other related classes that record various forms of user gestures in time.

// make a new EventList
a = EventList[];

// add some time-stamped events to it
a.addEvent((absTime: 0, deg: 0));    // events should begin with time 0;
a.addEvent((absTime: 0.3, deg: 1));
a.addEvent((absTime: 0.52, deg: 2));
a.addEvent((absTime: 0.72, deg: 3));
a.addEvent((absTime: 0.93, deg: 4));

// printing is quite flexible:
a.print([\dur], false);
a.print([\absTime, \dur], false);

a.quantizeDurs(0.25, 2).printAll;"";

// play the list by hand 
// ( usually one would use EventLoop )
fork { { |ev|
        var deg = ev[\deg];
        if (deg.notNil) { (degree: deg, sustain: 0.1).play; };

For more examples, see link::Classes/EventLoop:: and link::Classes/KeyPlayer::.

Instance Methods


the total duration of the recorded event sequence


the playing total duration of the EventList, may be different.


print event values in the order of keys given; post the rest if flag is true


start recording, add a 'start' event like (type: \start, absTime: 0)


add an event with a value for absTime, plus any other key/value pairs


add an 'end' event, like (type: \end, absTime: <loopEndTime>).


quantize durations to some grid, and to an optional full duration.


set the dur values in the events by some func, used e.g. when quantizing.


restore durations unquantized state.


in all events, calculate delta and dur values based on absTime values.


in all events, copy values for delta to dur key.