The basic idea of subtractive synthesis is similar to making coffee: something goes through a filter to remove unwanted components from the final product.
Get a list of ugen filters in SuperCollider 3, by sending the .dumpClassSubtree message to the Filter class, as in
( Object.dumpClassSubtree
prints all SuperCollider classes)
- Filter - Base class for filter UGens
- BEQSuite - Base class for B Equalization Suite
- BPF - 2nd order Butterworth bandpass filter.
- BRF - 2nd order Butterworth band reject filter.
- Changed - Triggers when a value changes
- CircleRamp - circular linear lag
- Decay - Exponential decay
- Decay2 - Exponential decay
- DetectSilence - Detect when input falls below an amplitude threshold
- FOS - First order filter section.
- Formlet - FOF-like filter.
- FreeVerb - A reverb
- Friction - A physical model of a system with dry-friction. A chaotic filter.
- GlitchBPF - backward compatibility
- GlitchHPF - backward compatibility
- GlitchRHPF - backward compatibility
- InsideOut - Distortion by subtracting magnitude from 1
- Integrator - A leaky integrator.
- LPF - 2nd order Butterworth lowpass filter
- HPF - 2nd order Butterworth highpass filter.
- LPZ1 - Two point average filter
- HPZ1 - Two point difference filter
- LPZ2 - Two zero fixed lowpass
- BPZ2 - Two zero fixed midpass.
- BRZ2 - Two zero fixed midcut.
- HPZ2 - Two zero fixed midcut.
- Lag - Exponential lag
- Lag2 - Exponential lag
- Lag3 - Exponential lag
- Ramp - Break a continuous signal into line segments
- LagUD - Exponential lag
- LeakDC - Remove DC
- MeanTriggered - Mean of recent values, triggered
- Median - Median filter.
- MedianTriggered - Median of recent values, triggered
- MidEQ - Parametric filter.
- MoogFF - Moog VCF implementation, designed by Federico Fontana
- OnePole - One pole filter.
- RLPF - A resonant low pass filter.
- RHPF - A resonant high pass filter.
- Resonz - Resonant filter.
- Ringz - Ringing filter.
- SOS - Second order filter section (biquad).
- Slew - Slew rate limiter.
- Slope - Slope of signal
- TwoPole - Two pole filter.
- APF - FIXME: APF purpose.
- TwoZero - Two zero filter.
- VarLag - Variable shaped lag
- WaveLoss - Lose bits of your waves
Use LPF, a low-pass filter to subtract high-frequency content from an input source.
RLPF, a resonant low-pass filter, removes high-frequency content and emphasizes the cutoff frequency.
Resonz is a very, very, very strong filter. Use it to emphasize a frequency band.
Transform noise into pitch with a sharp cutoff.
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