Tutorials/Mark_Polishook_tutorial | Tutorials > Mark_Polishook_tutorial


Mark Polishook tutorial


The basic idea of subtractive synthesis is similar to making coffee: something goes through a filter to remove unwanted components from the final product.

The .dumpClassSubtree message

Get a list of ugen filters in SuperCollider 3, by sending the .dumpClassSubtree message to the Filter class, as in

( Object.dumpClassSubtree prints all SuperCollider classes)



Use LPF, a low-pass filter to subtract high-frequency content from an input source.


RLPF, a resonant low-pass filter, removes high-frequency content and emphasizes the cutoff frequency.


Resonz is a very, very, very strong filter. Use it to emphasize a frequency band.

Transform noise into pitch with a sharp cutoff.


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